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  1. Thank you very much for that correction.... That's english forum slang, meant to be a joke. Pas facile pour moi de faire des blagues en Français. Dsl
  2. go fight your catfight in your own thread beatches
  3. Y, dunno why... Weird you found it, are you ptp-member ?
  4. J'espère que je peux garder mes VPP's en tout cas. Je suis en route pour 200.000 a 300.000 VPP's... Si je dois recommencer a zero..... ca me coutera pas mal d'argent, comme ca je n'arrive certainement pas a 300K VPP's
  5. i wanted to stack a Dutch player on .fr. He tried to make an account from Holland and got that message.
  6. I don't wanna sound rude.... But pokerstars.fr is much easier to beat then pokerstars.com Plus facile a battre les joueurs français.
  7. I am gonna write this in English, I would make to many mistakes trying to write in French. As a result of the impossibility for foreigners to make a new account at the moment, i sent a question to support to ask what was going on. Reading between the lines, it strongly feels that they are gonna limit pokerstars.fr to french players only....
  8. AK early stages

    Folder AK face a un 3-bet est bon contre un reg, n'est pas bon contre un "amateur" Dépendant des stat, je vais plutôt mettre le 3-betteur à tapis si c'est pas un reg.
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