Les commissaires de l'Alderney Gambling Control Commission viennent d'annoncer le retrait des licences accordées à Vantage Limited, Filco Limited et Oxalic Limited pour l'exploitation de Full Tilt Poker. Selon eux, cette décision ne remettrait toutefois pas en cause une éventuelle réouverture du site sous la direction d'une nouvelle équipe.
Le 29 juin dernier, l'AGCC suspendait les licences d'opérateur de Full Tilt Poker. Une nouvelle étape vient d'être franchie avec le retrait des licences dont disposaient les dirigeants de la société.
Cette décision lourde de conséquences intervient au terme d'une audience qui avait débuté le 19 septembre et qui, selon le communiqué diffusé par l'AGCC, aurait duré six jours.
Le même document fait référence aux errements et aux mensonges des dirigeants de Full Tilt : "Il est apparu que [ces derniers] avaient trompé l'AGCC à plusieurs reprises en indiquant disposer de fonds qui avaient en réalité été saisis ou bloqués par les autorités américaines, ou qui pour d'autres raisons n'étaient plus disponibles pour l'opérateur".
En conséquence de ces manquements flagrants aux règles fixées par l'AGCC, les Commissaires ont donc décidé le retrait des licences, tout en prenant soin de préciser que l'avenir de la room n'était pas pour autant totalement bouché : "Il est important de préciser que le retrait des licences ne s'oppose pas, ###NOTREPLACE3###, à une future réactivation de Full Tilt Poker par un nouveau propriétaire et une nouvelle équipe managériale."
En conclusion, le document aborde brièvement la question des fonds n'ayant pas été reversés aux joueurs : "Les requêtes des joueurs à l'encontre de Full Tilt relèvent désormais des autorités judiciaires [...] Les licences ayant été retirées, l'AGCC n'a plus aucun pouvoir à l'encontre des sociétés incriminées".
L'intégralite du communiqué de l'AGCC (en anglais) :
"AGCC Commissioners, sitting as a tribunal, have today revoked the licences of Vantage Limited, Filco Limited and Oxalic Limited, trading as Full Tilt Poker (FTP), with immediate effect. This follows the earlier suspension of the licences on 29th June 2011.
At a hearing held in London over six days, it emerged that FTP had fundamentally misled AGCC about their operational integrity by continuously reporting as liquid funds balances that had been covertly seized or restrained by US authorities, or that were otherwise not actually available to the operator. Serious breaches of AGCC regulations include false reporting, unauthorised provision of credit, and failure to report material events.
At the commencement of these proceedings on 26th July, AGCC made clear its preference to hold the hearing in public, to the benefit of players and media alike. However, the tribunal was persuaded that the hearing should be held in camera on the basis of claims by FTP that this would maximise the chance of a commercial rescue of the business for the benefit of players. For this reason an adjournment of 54 days was allowed.
It is important to note that the revocation of FTP's licences does not, as has been suggested, prevent a reactivation of the business under new ownership and management. Unresolved claims by players against FTP become a matter for the police and civil authorities. Now that FTP's licences have been revoked, AGCC no longer has jurisdiction over these companies.
The licence of Orinic Limited, a recently added geographic sub-division of the FTP poker room, remains suspended.
The determination notice containing the decision of the Commissioners and reasons for it is available at http://www.gamblingcontrol.org/userfiles/file/Determination%20Notice%20290911.pdf"
mais j hallucine vraiment je crois
Hello Francois,
Thank you for contacting Full Tilt Poker Support.
We received notification from your bank that deposits processed to your Full Tilt Poker account on 5 and 9 November 2009 for $390.00 was disputed (chargebacks). The transfers numbers for these deposits are:
038D7340 09 Nov 2009 05:36 for an amount of $30.00
038C33B5 09 Nov 2009 05:36 for an amount of $30.00
03C157C9 09 Nov 2009 05:16 for an amount of $30.00
03B47CE4 09 Nov 2009 05:16 for an amount of $30.00
03B1E0FD 09 Nov 2009 05:15 for an amount of $30.00
038C54FB 09 Nov 2009 05:15 for an amount of $30.00
03B720C1 05 Nov 2009 06:18 for an amount of $30.00
03B5A8D6 05 Nov 2009 06:18 for an amount of $30.00
03B3B067 05 Nov 2009 06:18 for an amount of $30.00
03B3450F 05 Nov 2009 06:18 for an amount of $30.00
038C1801 05 Nov 2009 06:18 for an amount of $30.00
038AC942 05 Nov 2009 06:18 for an amount of $30.00
0386D4DF 05 Nov 2009 06:18 for an amount of $30.00
The descriptors on your credit card statement may have been unfamiliar to you. As a result, you may have disputed legitimate charges that originated from Full Tilt Poker.
With that said, we confirmed you had sufficient funds available in your account upon notification of the chargebacks. As such, we recovered the amount owed from your account balance, leaving you with no further debt to Full Tilt Poker. Your account remains open and is considered in good standing at this time.
Upon reviewing your account, I can confirm that all deposits made were done from your primary computer and are legitimate.
Please keep in mind that sometimes transactions post on your statement several days after the transaction takes place. Also, it is not unusual for banks and credit card companies to apply a temporary authorization charge to a credit card deposit on top of the actual charge. This causes two amounts to initially be debited for a single deposit, and it can take up to 30 days for the authorized funds to be released.
Your account will remain closed until you repay what you owe to Full Tilt Poker
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